Tuesday, December 15, 2015

YouTube 11x Bigger Than Facebook Video, 8K Years Worth Watched Every Day in U.S.


The YouTube vs Facebook Video debate never seems to get old, and a new report from VentureBeat takes a deep-dive into the subject once again. I've been asked to participate in a webinar to discuss the report (details below), and to debate the following findings on YouTube and Facebook video. Highlights of the report suggest that:

  • In the U.S, YouTube is 11.3 times bigger than Facebook Video in terms of viewing hours, on the web, and in-app.
  • Worldwide, YouTube is 8.2 times bigger than Facebook Video when it comes to the amount of video watched.
  • Globally, 46,000 years worth of YouTube video are watched every day.
  • In the U.S, 8,061 years worth of YouTube video is consumed, compared to 713 years worth of Facebook video.
  • 84% of Americans pick YouTube over Facebook when it comes to watching online video.
  • Millennials 18.5x More Likely to Watch Videos on YouTube.

YouTube: 11x Bigger Than Facebook Video

VentureBeat columnist John Koetsier acknowledges that video on the social network has grown quickly, from more than 1 billion video views on Facebook each day a year ago, to 4 billion video views per day six months ago, to 8 billion daily views today. But he also echoes what Hank Green has said about how the social network counts video views (3 seconds) and what Social@Ogilvy and Tubular Labs have said about Facebook video views. Koetsier concludes that Facebook has seen impressive growth, but "it’s still not anywhere close to YouTube.” He backs up this statement with a chart that’s based on data captured by SimilarWeb. It shows that in the U.S.A, YouTube is currently 11.3 times bigger than Facebook in terms of hours viewed, both on the web, and in-app.

Also, every day, Americans spend a combined 8,061 years watching videos on YouTube, compared to 713 years watching video on Facebook.

YouTube 11x Bigger Than Facebook Video, 8K Years Worth Watched Every Day in U.S. us digital video facebook google 750x356

The data also confirms that on a global basis, YouTube is 8.2 times bigger than Facebook. Every day, people around the world spend almost 46,000 years watching YouTube. Facebook attracts about 100,000 years of aggregated daily attention daily across the globe, but only about 5,625 years of that are dedicated to watching videos. 84% of Americans confirmed that they pick YouTube over Facebook when it comes to consuming video.

YouTube 11x Bigger Than Facebook Video, 8K Years Worth Watched Every Day in U.S. where watch videos 750x311

Millennials 18.5x More Likely to Watch Videos on YouTube

YouTube viewers are much more likely to watch for significant amounts of time on YouTube (up to 60 minutes), and the younger the viewer, the more committed to YouTube they seem.  13 to 17 years old are 18.5 times more likely to choose YouTube over Facebook, with viewers aged between 18 to 24 years old 16.5 times more in favor of YouTube.

ALSO ►  Facebook Set to Seriously Challenge YouTube for Video Advertising Spend [Survey]

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As I mentioned above, VentureBeat has invited me to be a guest panelist on a webinar to discuss John Koetsier’s latest VB Insight report. The free webinar will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2015, starting at 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific. The other panelists will include Koetsier, the Mobile Economist at Tune, and the moderator will be Wendy Schuchart of VentureBeat.

So, here’s my question to the regular readers of ReelSEO: What role should I play in this upcoming webinar? Should I try to turn this into a discussion or a debate?

For example, should I share addition data from the column entitled, “Is YouTube Really Bigger than Facebook? The Numbers Say Yes,” which I wrote for ReelSEO back in July 2014? Or, should I play devil’s advocate and mention that the Facebook app is installed on 70% of the smartphones in the U.S., and 46.4% of all smartphone users launch it at least once a day, with the average user opening the app almost 16 times daily for about 3.5 minutes each time, totaling 51 daily minutes of use?

Should I reiterate some of the points made in the article entitled, “Facebook Video Views and Posts: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics,” which I wrote for ReelSEO in October 2014? Or, should I be feisty and argue that the Instagram community, which has grown to more than 400 million strong, or Oculus Rift, which will be released in Q1 2016, could level the playing field for Facebook in the coming year?

Finally, should I agree with Koetsier and add that last year’s reports that video content creators were fleeing YouTube and flocking to Facebook were “greatly exaggerated,” as Mark Twain would put it. Or, should I disagree with Koetsier and observe that going from 1 to 8 billion daily views in a year is impressive, no matter how you define “views.” And the social network has the capability to pump this up even more, since Facebook’s algorithms shape what people see in their News Feed.

In other words, which side do you want me to be on: YouTube’s or Facebook’s? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Oh, and if you are interested in reading the full report, “FB v GOOG: Who’s really winning in digital video,” it’s available as a standalone purchase for $99, or free as part of a subscription to VentureBeat (one of the two tech blogs Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg regularly reads).

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