Friday, January 8, 2016

Emojis and Social Video: The Top Emojis on Vine and Instagram 😍

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If you are an Internet user (and if you are reading this online then we'll assume you are), you'll have at least a passing familiarity with the new language of communication - the emoji. Why are emojis (the name means “picture character” in Japanese) so popular? Apart from the fact they are super cute, using an emoji is a short-cut to expressing an emotion when time is short, or mere words can't convey an intent. Using an emoji also adds a very personal element to your message, and that's why they are tailor-made for social communication, especially across social media.

But what about the use of emojis on social video? Using data from Tubular, we analysed all uploads to  Vine and Instagram Video between June 2013 and October 2015 (that's 34.2M for Vine, and 90.7M for Instagram) to determine how many creators used an emoji in their title or description. We found that 34% of Instagram Video uploads contain an emoji in the caption, compared to 22% of Vines. Let's take a deeper dive into the data.

Top Emojis Used on Instagram Video

50% of all comments and captions on images and videos uploaded to Instagram contain at least one emoji, and according to data from Tubular, 34% of all video uploads to the platform include one emoji. That's 31 million out of 90.7 million uploads. The top emoji in terms of both uploads and engagements is 'Tears of Joy', which recently found fame as the first non-word to make the Oxford English Dictionary. The following infographic confirms the top emojis used by creators when uploading content to Instagram video:

Emojis and Social Video: The Top Emojis on Vine and Instagram 😍 top emojis on instagram video 750x2896

Top Emojis Used on Vine

22% of Vine uploads contain an emoji, with creators using the full range available to express a particular intent. It's no surprise to learn that 'Tears of Joy' also tops the chart when it comes to the top emojis in terms of Vine uploads.

Tubular took at look at all videos uploaded to Vine from the launch of the platform to the end of October 2015. The top 7 in terms of loops, or views, are confirmed below:

Of course, using an emoji to express a certain emotion for your Vine or Instagram video upload won't guarantee views. However, a really engaging title and caption will certainly help to give the viewer more information they need to like, comment on, or share your video with their social networks.

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