Tuesday, February 16, 2016

4 Warning Signals You Should Fire Your SEO Firm



Be honest. Do you google people before you meet them? The reality is that you probably actually do. It would be wonderful if you could somehow control the number and types of results that show up on Google. Great news! With an effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy, you can! Before you squeal with unbridled joy, let me be the first to warn you that there is a fair amount of scam at play. Since this is such an oversaturated market with players who have vague conceptualizations of an SEO, several simply want to remain in the business to gain from the ever increasing demand for SEO without investing in their skill-sets. What are the top four warning signals you should fire your SEO firm immediately? Let us explore them together!

Black Box SEO Services with Zero Customizations Towards Goals

Since your business is hardly standard, there is absolutely no reason that the services provided to you should be even close to standard. Moreover, a reputable SEO firm would obligingly engage in an initial conversation with you to determine your specific goals and business objectives. Be very cautious of firms which fail to engage you in this very critical first step! Clearly indicate that you are not interested in one-size-fits-all packages, and that you are explicitly paying for a customized SEO package built to exceed expectations.

Guaranteed Top Rankings on High Traffic Search Engines, Google, Bing, or Yahoo

A reputable firm would ebb and hugely hesitate before making any tall sweeping claims, because the reality is that it is very difficult to guarantee specific results on such a dynamic and vastly fluctuating statistic like rankings. While recommending first-page or first-place rankings in Google is a fairly common sales tactic, reputable firms shy away from engaging in this practice, since there are aspects at play here which are far beyond the firm's control. Instead of empty promises, a solid SEO firm would follow Google's SEO guidelines and use recommended strategies to drive the best possible results for your business. Steer significantly clear of SEO firms which make and disseminate tall claims! They are far from honest.

Complete and Total Lack of Knowledge of Social Media Best Practices

Today, social media savvy and SEO success are directly correlated, and one without the other is hardly feasible. Failing to learn the ins and outs of social media can greatly harm the success of an SEO strategy. Social indicators, or the extent of the number of Facebook post likes, shares, pins, tweets, re-tweets, Google +1 shares, and the like, drive overall value to a webpage, thereby increasing overall value to the search engine. Negligence towards nurturing and evolving a robust social media engagement strategy will fail to pay dividends when considering driving up the rankings of webpages in search engines. Be wary of SEO firms which are unwilling to connect you and your business with valid social media consulting services, since social media marketing truly does go hand in hand with a company's local SEO efforts to realize its full potential.

Absolutely Zero Proof of Past Legitimate Success

Be aware of SEO firms which fail to provide to you concrete proof of their success with conceptualizing and executing successful SEO campaigns in the past. Always ask to see an array of the firm's results otherwise claim that you are not comfortable engaging in business. In these situations, even a case study, white paper, or other examples to show that a firm has the goods it seeks to offer you is sufficient. If the firm is unable to provide you with concrete proof, it may not be the most prudent decision to hire the SEO firm for business.

Would you add additional red flags to this list? Share any lessons you have learned along the way!

Disclaimer: This feature reflects the personal opinions of the author, and are in no way affiliated with any other third party that the author may be associated with.

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