Monday, February 1, 2016

Facebook Is Changing Your News Feed In A Subtle But Important Way


Facebook is introducing a new way to track what you do on your News Feed.

The social network will now weigh two different factors when deciding what to show you, the company announced in a blog post Monday. 

"News Feed will begin to look at both the probability that you would want to see the story at the top of your feed and the probability that you will like, comment on, click or share a story," Facebook engineers Cheng Zhang and Si Chen wrote.

In other words, Facebook will try to use what it knows about you to show you things you want to see and respond to. It's not clear exactly how this will work, and a spokeswoman for Facebook did not reply to requests for comment.

But it's no secret that the company is constantly tweaking the algorithms behind the information you see. Your News Feed is shaped by the content you tap and the people you interact with, which theoretically means you don't see junk posts you're uninterested in. 

Even outside of News Feed, Facebook is paying closer attention to your interactions than you might realize. For example, a couple of weeks ago it suggested that I search for my fiancee's little sister "licking batter" because a related post was popular and I'd interacted with her updates before. Weird!

So, take this as your regular reminder that every little "like" and emoji you post are actually data points in the big, complicated web that is your life on social media.

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