Friday, November 20, 2015

Top Online Video Creators Across Social Platforms: October 2015 Leaderboard


Did you know there were 213 billion video views generated across the 4 major social video platforms in October 2015? Or that BuzzFeed, the WWE, and Ellen DeGeneres were some of the most-watched brands and superstar creators across any of those social networking sites?

Each month, we will highlight the most watched video creators across YouTube, Facebook, Vine, and Instagram, and confirm the viewing figures for the top channels and accounts via Tubular's ranking leaderboards. The data will shine a spotlight onto the brands and independent creators who are generating the most video views across some of the world's biggest social video networking sites. For October 2015, we'll take a look at 3 of the most watched channels and the content that engaged the viewers the most.

Top Video Cross Platform Rankings: October 2015

After 5 months at the top of the chart, BuzzfeedVideo loses its #1 spot - to another BuzzFeed property! Tasty was the most viewed of any of the BuzzFeed partners with a staggering 1.2 billion views. BuzzFeed Video took the #2 position with 879 million views, while BuzzFeed Food came in 6th with 531 million video views. Between them, the three accounts generated 2.5 billion views for the publishing giant, and drummed up an incredible 7.8 million new followers across the main social video platforms.

The three most-watched videos for Buzzfeed Tasty last month were all posted to Facebook, and between them, the clips - 'Mozzarella-Stuffed Slow Cooker Meatballs', 'Jack O' Lantern Chips And Dip', and 'Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas' - generated 176.9 million views.

Top Online Video Creators Across Social Platforms: October 2015 Leaderboard most watched social video creators 750x924

Top 10 Most Watched Video Creators October 2015 (Data via Tubular). Rankings include only those creators and brands which publish primarily original content.

Tip Hero storms into the rankings with a brand new place at #3. The brand, which provides 'life tips and hacks' generated 745 million video views, mainly via native uploads on its Facebook page. It's most popular video was this walk-through for baked apple roses, an autumnal recipe favorite. It generated 212.4 million views and 7.5 million Facebook engagements.

Top Ten Most-Watched Cross-Platform Creators October 2015

  1. BuzzFeed Tasty (1.1B Views)
  2. BuzzFeed Video (879M Views)
  3. Tip Hero (745M Views)
  4. PewDiePie (732M Views)
  5. The Ellen Show (636M Views)
  6. BuzzFeed Food (531M Views)
  7. WWE (511M Views)
  8. Netdmuzikk (441M Views)
  9. Logan Paul (434M Views)
  10. Little Baby Bum (429M Views)

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Tune in Every Month for the Most Up-to-Date Stats!

Each month ReelSEO will publish the most up-to-date leaderboard charts from Tubular, so stay tuned! In the meantime, if you'd like to check out the Top 25, please fill out the form below:

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