Saturday, December 19, 2015

Take A Virtual Reality Tour Around The White House This Christmas


What's Christmas really like inside the White House, and are the trees really as impressive as they seem on TV?

A new virtual reality video from Google lets you find out. The web giant posted a 5-minute tour of the iconic building to YouTube on Friday.

A narrator explains the decorations as you are guided through several rooms -- including the White House Library, the China Room and the Vermeil Room.

If you've got an Android smartphone, you can play the clip while wearing a Google Cardboard headset to get the fully immersive experience.

iPhone and iPad owners can maneuver their devices to look around. YouTube doesn't yet support virtual reality on iOS, according to The Verge.

Desktop users can navigate using the compass in the upper corner of the screen.

Google used its $15,000 Jump rig -- 16 GoPro cameras clipped together in a circular formation, allowing it to obtain 360 degrees of footage -- to film the clip, according to EnGadget.

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