Tuesday, January 12, 2016

8 Signs From CES That Our Sleep Is Going To Get A Lot Better


We’ve all been there. The slack jaw, the sluggish step, the dead-eyed stare. No, this isn’t lunch break on the set of “The Walking Dead” -- it’s what we look like after a night of terrible sleep, and unfortunately it’s a daily waking nightmare for millions of people. But we just might be able to kiss our sleep-deprived zombie selves goodbye, thanks to the latest advances in sleep technology.

We’ve teamed up with Sleep Number to bring you a look at the best in sleep-related devices from this year’s CES (Consumer Electronics Show), spotlighting new products and checking in on exciting upgrades. Sweet dreams are on their way at last.

1. Hush Earplugs

Ugh. Your roommate, the one who just has to grind her coffee beans at 6 a.m., is at it again, waking you up right along with her. Sounds like a job for the Hush Earplugs, which address noise nuisances in two ways -- first by blocking out sound with their silicone or foam molded plugs, and then by masking additional audio leakage with playback of white noise, rainfall, whatever takes you to your happy Zen place. The company is delivering Kickstarter orders and taking general preorders now.

2. Melomind

Lately people have been drawing unfortunate comparisons between sleep-deprived you and the fiery Anger character from “Inside Out.” Luckily, MyBrain Technologies may have something to help you find your inner Joy again: meet the Melomind. With a built-in EEG, the headset monitors your brainwaves to assess your level of stress, responding with specially designed audio to help lull you back to calm. The company claims that with Melomind and its accompanying app, you should be able to “train” yourself over time to be more relaxed. After debuting as a prototype at CES 2015, the Melomind is now ready for its market release.

3. The "It" Bed

The Sleep Number team that helped save your relationship (turns out you and your partner aren’t quite so sleep compatible) will be upping the ante this summer with the company’s “It” bed. Think of the experience as being wrapped up in a really comfy Fitbit: the biometric bed analyzes your vitals and the SleepIQ technology connects with your smartphone and other devices to help optimize your snoozing with targeted suggestions. These sensors are embedded in the bespoke foam-filled mattress, which adjusts firmness according to your Sleep Number setting. And, as Fast Company reports, the smarthome dwellers among us can even get this mattress talking to the thermostat, so nighttime temps are just right.

4. Hexoskin Smart Shirt

This device marks another cool entry in the category of non-clunky wearables. After a successful Indiegogo campaign and product release in 2013, Hexoskin is back with an update to its sensor-embedded “smart shirt” that tracks and evaluates your heart rate, breathing, movement and sleep; now it can connect with third-party devices for more seamless health analyses. Expect the latest version to ship later this year.

5. Quell

Aspirin is a blessing, but sometimes we’d like to have a non-chemical alternative, especially if we’re chronic pain sufferers who need help on a regular basis. Quell could provide an interesting solution: NeuroMetrix, the maker of this wearable, which wraps around your leg, claims it administers 100 percent drug-free pain relief by using electrodes to stimulate sensory nerves and mitigate your body’s pain signals. This year, the team added sleep tracking functionality so that users might be able to glean an even clearer picture of their pain profile. This updated version should be out later in the year.

6. First Alert OneLink Baby Monitor
first alert

Baby monitors are about to get a serious upgrade, care of First Alert. Its forthcoming new device is equipped with a connected camera and air quality detector, trappings we’ve come to expect from top-of-the-line products. But in a key innovation, the monitor can actually track your child’s nighttime breathing, an all-important measure of a baby’s well-being. According to CNET, the device is still at the prototype stage; release details are hazy and the company isn’t revealing many specifics about the technology. But when it does hit the market, OneLink is sure to make a splash.

7. SensorWake

Yes! Some providential force has awoken you exactly one minute before your alarm goes off, and you feel like you’ve won the lottery. No one enjoys being assaulted out of a restful slumber by shrieking bells, which is why the SensorWake has a lot of people very excited. This alarm clock wakes you up not with sound, but with scent from an embedded capsule, which emits smells such as espresso, hot croissant and cut grass. The startup claims that the aromas rouse 99 percent of users within two minutes, but for the resistant 1 percent (or those of us battling a stuffy nose) an audio alarm will ring at the three-minute mark. Preorders will be shipping this summer.

8. WonderWoof and WonderMeow

You’ve seen wellness solutions for you and your children, but you don’t have the whole family covered until your pet’s in the mix. Enter the WonderWoof and the WonderMeow, Bluetooth-enabled gadgets that attach to your pet’s collar in the form of an adorably dapper bow tie. The wearable tracks your pet’s exercise levels and lets you know if it’s getting enough based on its breed and size. The WonderWoof is already available for purchase, but cat owners will have to wait until later this year for the WonderMeow’s big debut.

Just like diet and exercise, sleep is unique to each person and important for optimal health and professional performance. Sleep Number® beds adjust on each side to your ideal level of firmness, comfort and support -- your Sleep Number® setting -- for your best possible sleep.

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