Friday, January 29, 2016

Deer Hunters Allegedly Shot A Drone Out Of The Sky


Hunters allegedly shot down a drone over a New Zealand forest, and the footage has gone viral.

Terry Hitchcock said deerstalkers blasted his quadcopter out of the sky over the Tararua Mountain Range in the North Island on Monday afternoon.

He posted two videos to YouTube. 

The first, filmed on a GoPro camera attached to his head, revealed the aircraft soaring overhead. A shot can be heard just over a minute later, and the drone crashed to the ground. Hitchcock ran into the forest to find the downed machine, and the clip cut out. 

The second video, filmed on the drone's own GoPro camera, showed it being struck and then spinning out of control and falling back to Earth.

To date, the videos have racked up more than 200,000 hits. Some viewers, however, speculated that the clips were set-up, and pointed to Hitchcock's lack of reaction when his drone was hit.

Hitchcock denied the claim, pointed the finger of blame at the local deer hunters and said he was "beside myself that someone could do this to my drone." 

"Amazingly the drone survived and soon will fly again," he told video site Newsflare.


Also on HuffPost:


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