Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Get Ready For Facebook's Big 'Like' Button Change


Facebook's "Like" button won't be the only way to respond to what you see in your newsfeed for much longer.

The tech giant's chief product officer Chris Cox confirmed in a Bloomberg report that it's only a matter of weeks before Facebook users everywhere can hit the Reactions" icon. 

Facebook announced last year that it would roll out "Reactions" buttons to accompany the familiar thumbs-up icon. Soon, there will be five emojis to represent "love," "haha,"  "sad," "angry," and "wow."

Facebook Instead of just "liking" posts in your newsfeed, "reactions" will let you have a more diverse emotional response. 

"Reactions" was first tested in Spain and Ireland October. Then Facebook users in Chile, the Philippines, Portugal and Colombia got to try it. Soon, it will finally be available in the U.S. for the first time. 

The company worked with sociologists to analyze the most common reactions across the social media platform to determine which emoji faces would make the cut. A spokesperson told Bloomberg that they decided to axe the planned sixth "yay" button, because "it was not universally understood.” 

Facebook "Yay" was originally part of the 'reactions' pack. 

"Reactions" is Facebook's response to user demands for a dislike button. Because why just dislike when you can love, wow, sad, angry, and haha instead?

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