Monday, January 11, 2016

How To Use Peach, Your New Social Media Obsession


The hottest new social media app is Peach.

Why? Because it's fun! Now, we know you're probably thinking, "OK, but do I really need to be on another app?" Well, if you want one app that takes the best of all of your current favorite social media apps and rolls it into one, then get on Peach.

The sweet little app created a massive Twitter storm almost as soon as it rolled out last Friday.

Vine founder Dom Hofmann and the team at Byte created the app, per Laughing Squid. Its tagline is simple: "A space for friends."


Peach's unique interface sets it apart from social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Mashable described it best by saying it's a mix of Slack and Facebook. 

@ohheyjenna/Peach This is what the main Peach screen looks like.

Each user has their own stream or feed, where they can put pretty much whatever they want. But in order to put content other than basic text and emojis, the user has to say a "magic word." 

"Magic words" are special keywords that allow the user to draw a doodle, produce a GIF, enter their location and much more. This sort of "command line interface" isn't new, but on Peach, it's a lot of fun.

Peach The full list of Peach's "magic words."

The quirkiness of the words and their results lets users branch outside the realm of photo editing or simply regurgitating thoughts. "Song" works like Shazam, "move" displays data from your fitness tracker, and "rating" lets you rate whatever arbitrary thing you want (for example: "dinner tonight: 2 stars").

Individual streams end up resembling Tumblr pages, with endless scrolls and amalgamations of GIFs, text, quotes and images. 

There's also a cool camera feature. It does quadruple duty in letting you create photos, videos, GIFs and collages.

ohheyjenna/Peach An example of a few different entries on a stream.

Individual streams have definitely taken on a stream-of-consciousness sort of tone, and can be pretty well described like this: 

Right now, the app is user-friendly, and it takes less than a minute to sign up for an account after downloading. There appear to be no restrictions on usernames or passwords, so think twice before believing the celebrity you're following is the real deal.

It's unclear if Peach is going to fizzle out and die like Meerkat (though BGR is already calling it), but excitement about it has definitely waned a bit since its launch a few days ago. Perhaps once Peach leaves the media-obsessed bubble it's been living in, the world will appreciate it the way it deserves to be appreciated. 

But it's important to remember that, as Dita Von Teese says, “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

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