CES, the Consumer Electronics Showcase, happened earlier this month in Las Vegas and everyone was trying to launch a new mobile headset and produce new virtual content for audiences to absorb. However, Sony, HTC and Oculus still remain the best systems for experiencing VR, though the intimacy and portability of mobile is clearly the future of the market, according to Daniel Rasmus, Geekwire writer.
Sage users have made some bold predictions on what they think will happen in the virtual reality world this year. Weigh in on the future of VR on Sage.
IBM's acquisition of Ustream will soon reveal that they plan to do #virtualreality conference calls soon. #VR: http://ift.tt/1NvZ6Ab
#HTCVive will not cost $1500 as rumored, it will be much closer to Oculus Rift ($599) or Sony Playstation VR price points #VR #HTC: http://ift.tt/1RJq8ff
Mitchell McKenna
Oculus Rift will come up with a way to not make people motion sick using their #VirtualReality system this year. #VR: http://ift.tt/1NvZ6Am
#Sony #Playstation #VR will cost $499 😎🎮: http://ift.tt/1NvZ5wg
Mitchell McKenna
#HTC will decide to spin off their virtual reality division into its own company #VR 😎🎮: http://ift.tt/1NvZ6QE
Mitchell McKenna
Google Cardboard will up it's game and go plastic and become one of the best #VirtualReality devices on the market.: http://ift.tt/1NvZ5wk
EA sports will announce they are making something in the #virtualreality world this year.#VR: http://ift.tt/1RJq8vC
Periscope will partner with a #virtualreality headset maker to show Periscope videos in #VR. #VR #Social: http://ift.tt/1RJq8vE
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