Monday, February 22, 2016

Apple, Please Don’t Create A Backdoor To My iPhone Notes


Encryption is all that stands between the FBI and my world-changing idea for "chocolate spaghetti."

Apple is being pressured by the FBI to circumvent the passcode protection on the iPhone of Syed Farook, a San Bernardino attacker. Creating this "backdoor" could potentially give the government a master key to our text messages, emails, and -- most terrifying of all -- every dumb thought you've ever jotted down in the Notes app.

Below are some notes I've taken on my iPhone over the past several years. I'm including them here to show how a backdoor to the iPhone would jeopardize our privacy, our security, and our freedom to write down really stupid things under the assumption they'll never be seen by anyone else.

Apple, I'm counting on you to ...

Protect the T-shirt ideas I come up with at 4:12 a.m.

HuffPost Comedy

Protect the things I've learned in therapy.

HuffPost Comedy

Protect my moments of weakness during a job hunt.

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Protect my tax evasion loopholes.

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Protect my ego.

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Protect details of my intimacy.

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Protect my combativeness toward animation.

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Protect my drinking problem.

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Protect my zoological hypotheses.

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 Protect my late-night morbidity.

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Protect my strong opinions.

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Protect my mundane observations.

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Protect my best kept secret of all.

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