How can you tell how bad things are? Here’s a rough rule of thumb: if a major stock market falls by 2pc in a single day, that’s bad news; if it falls by between 2pc and 5pc, it’s awful news; if it falls by more than 5pc, it’s time to panic. (Caveat: if the Chinese stock markets fall by more than 5pc in a single day, it’s just another day at the office.)
If the stock market falls by more than 10pc from its previous peak, it’s a correction; if it falls by more than 20pc from its previous peak, it’s said to be in “bear market” territory. If it falls by more than 30pc, we’re at the dawning of the apocalypse (unless you don’t own any shares in which case it doesn’t really matter – maybe. See below).
The FTSE 100 entered a bear market last month. Danske Bank thinks that the S&P 500 in the US might be heading the same way.
There is no specific definition of a stock market crash but it’s usually thought of as a double-digit percentage fall over the course of just a few days. Between Monday and Thursday morning last week, the FTSE 100 fell nearly 5pc – so not a crash but certainly worrying.
What about bonds? Normally, bonds are considered to be safer than shares. So, when people sell shares, they often take that money and put it into bonds. Therefore the prices of shares and bonds usually move in opposite directions. If the prices of shares and bonds are both falling, it’s time to get really worried.
A note on bonds: if you hear that yields are falling, that sounds bad but it’s actually good. A bond’s yield is calculated by dividing the interest it pays out by its market price. This means yield moves inversely to price – if the yield is going down the price is going up and vice versa.
Yields on UK government bonds, for example, are at record lows at the moment. Which is good. Except it’s also bad: if yields are at record lows then, for reasons discussed, prices must be at record highs, which suggests we are in the midst of a massive fixed income bubble. And that’s yet another worry.
European shares jump after Asian markets stabilised overnight. Photo: AP
How much money has been lost? News stories about stock market turmoil will often have headlines about £XXbn being wiped off the value of stock markets (stories about rallies never talk about £XXbn being wiped back on).
Smart Alecs will tell you that this isn’t technically true because it’s only a loss on paper and doesn’t actually occur until an investor sells their shares and the fall in their value is said to have been realised.
You can double Smart Alec them back by casually mentioning that accounting rules (IAS 19 internationally and FRS 102 in the UK, if you really want to show off) require pension schemes to value their assets and liabilities based on market values.
So, falls in the market really do have an impact on the value of savings.
Why are markets falling? Everyone will have a theory but no one will know for sure until the dust settles. There are a whole cocktail of worries competing for attention: a slowdown in China, the weakness of some banks, the inefficacy of monetary policy.
On any given day, over the past few weeks, one or other of these has nosed ahead only to then fall back into the pack.
The flippant answer as to why a market is falling at any given time is that there are more sellers than buyers.
That’s not very useful. It’s not even – strictly speaking – true; every transaction involves one buyer and one seller. But it’s still the best explanation you’re going to get for now.
How bad are things going to get? If you think you’ve figured that out, you should be shorting the market and making a killing. The rest of us will have to contend with the fact that there’s just no way of knowing for sure.
One thing to keep half an eye on is the Vix index, which measures the implied volatility of US stock index options. In plain English, it is an indication of how uncertain the market is about what shares (in by far the largest equity market in the world) will do in the future, hence why the Vix got its nickname: the Fear Index.
Of course, people are people and tend to fret when they should be calm and remain blithely unconcerned when they should be freaking out. In other words, the Vix is a far from infallible indicator of the future.
What does it all mean? If you own shares, it is, of course, a worrying time. But even then the level of concern should depend on your time horizon. If you’re saving for your retirement in 30 years’ time then the market fluctuations of the past week are of little relevance. If you’re saving up to buy a house in five years’ time, it’s a bigger concern. If you want to spend your money in a year’s time, then you probably shouldn’t have your savings invested in shares.
Of course, lots people are borrowers rather than savers. And one of the upshots of the current market turmoil is that interest rates will likely be lower for longer. That will benefit people who have big debts (like mortgages). The fall in the price of commodities (as a result of the slowdown in China) and low inflation is also a positive for consumers because it means that most of the stuff that we buy will become cheaper.
And all the economic indicators suggest that the economy – at least in the UK and the all-important US – are in reasonable, if not spectacular, health.
But – and it’s a big “but” – there’s always the possibility that the market turmoil could spill over into the wider economy and create what is known as a “market-led recession”. This is when companies get so spooked by watching their shares fall through the floor that they’re too scared to make investments or take on new staff. This collective inaction, should it go on for long enough, could slow down, or even reverse, economic growth.
And then we’re all in trouble.
• Ben Wright: how Europe's banks got themselves into this precarious position
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