Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Cyber Security Conundrum


noun: conundrum; plural noun: conundrums

a confusing and difficult problem or question.
"one of the most difficult conundrums for the experts"

This is the conundrum of the digital age.

One one hand executives of a company will be the first to state they think their systems are secure, and if there are any problems they are small.


Maybe they think their information, data and business relationships are not important to hackers because, "too small", "not on radar screen", or "we have nothing worth taking."

But both of these are clearly conundrums:

The first is pretty basic, if you think you are secure but have not brought in outsiders to test your systems and people and facilities, then how do you know?

The second is also pretty basic, if you think you have nothing to lose, then you might not take stringent security steps necessary, thus making your organization ever more vulnerable.

But- and this is actually more like a because -- Organizations have to think and act pro-actively when it comes to cyber security and privacy. True for people too. If you think you have no cyber weaknesses than you do. If you think you have nothing to lose, than you do. If you think no one is interested in your organization because it is too small or not on the radar screen, than you are wrong, and they are.

Now is actually the time to assess your organization's situation, and that of your people too. Do it now before you get hacked or breached. Because you will get hacked or breached. Be prepared. Don't be caught behind a truck that just ran over your business and people.

My company Digijaks sees a lot of these types of issues with clients. Preventive medicine works, in healthcare and cyber security. Both need daily hygiene and maintenance and both also need updates, checkins and repair work too.

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