Thursday, December 31, 2015

What the end of the financial crisis means for investors


The global financial crisis began in early 2007 when institutions were hit by problems with portfolios linked to US sub-prime mortgage loans, as the US housing market began to falter. But what started as a local and very specific problem soon widened to impact more financial institutions.

In September that year, the US Federal Reserve cut interest rates by half a percentage point – to 4.75pc, warning that the credit crunch could result in risks to the economy. It marked the start of an extraordinary period of monetary policy easing around the world as central banks moved to tackle the growing economic crisis.

More than eight years later, the Fed has finally started to raise interest rates, with the first increase since June 2006. This should be an important marker for the global economy, as well as for financial markets as they enter a new chapter and a new year. At the very least it should be seen as the “beginning of the end” of the global financial crisis; the world’s largest economy is finally robust enough to embark on a path to higher interest rates, and the rest of the world is sufficiently stable to be able to cope with it. But, of course, higher US borrowing costs bring new risks, particularly for many emerging economies whose currencies are linked to the US dollar, and who may suffer financial outflows as US interest rates rise. So the remaining concerns are now more focused on emerging markets (EM) rather than developed economies, but the two are linked.

In many ways, the crisis has not been one uninterrupted event but a series of related phases, all with a distinct geographical focus, that reflect specific problems and issues.

The first phase had its roots in the US housing market and the leveraged loans made to sub-prime borrowers. These loans started to collapse as the housing market weakened, causing a widespread credit crunch that had global dimensions. The bottom of the markets came after the September 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers, the subsequent Troubled Asset Relief Programme and the introduction of quantitative easing (QE) in November.

The epicentre then moved to Europe, where many banks had significant levered exposure to the US housing market. Since many of these institutions were very large relative to the countries in which they were based, and the euro area had no fiscal risk-sharing mechanism, the banking crisis morphed into a full-blown sovereign debt crisis that reached its nadir with the introduction of QE.

But no sooner had Europe started a fragile economic recovery than the third phase of the crisis took hold, this time in emerging markets. This was initially related to the collapse of commodity prices and a deceleration of China’s economy, to which many EM countries were exposed. But large external imbalances (current account deficits), which several EM countries had built up, also made them vulnerable to rises in US interest rates and the dollar.

One might reasonably have expected financial assets to have performed poorly over this period. But instead, asset prices have made remarkable recoveries, particularly in real terms (once inflation, which has been very low, is taken into account). Government bond yields have fallen (their prices have gone up sharply) and global equity markets have risen just under 130pc in US dollar terms from their March 2009 lows. Even more striking is that equities in developed markets specifically have risen a staggering 140pc over this period.

So how do we explain this paradox? Two factors in particular help provide the answer. First, while global product prices (consumer price inflation, wages and commodities) have been flat or falling, financial assets have been re-rated, as “risk-free” interest rates on bank deposits and even government bonds have fallen to zero (and even below zero in some cases). Investors have pushed up the risk curve in their search for returns.

The US Federal Reserve  Photo: Bloomberg

Second, valuations fell to such low levels at the height of the US phase of the crisis, in particular riskier assets such as corporate bonds and equities, that they had started to reflect the worst possible outcome, namely: depression, deflation and systemic financial collapse.

As governments put together emergency funding facilities and then embarked on “unconventional” policy easing in the form of QE, prospects started to appear less alarming. Equity prices began to move higher and government bond prices also increased, buoyed by the prospects of both low inflation and new waves of asset buying by central banks.

So what is the outlook from here? Ironically, the prospects for economic activity are improving, while those for financial assets are deteriorating. In many ways this takes us full circle. The recent rise in US interest rates, exactly seven years after the cut to zero, is as strong a symbol as any that the world’s largest economy is putting the financial crisis behind it. While China continues its “bumpy slowdown”, our base case is that EM GDP growth (excluding China) will accelerate by 80 basis points in 2016.

Chinese flags fly as a worker clearing a conveyer belt used to transport coal, near a coal mine at Datong, in China's northern Shanxi provinceChina is experiencing a bumpy slowdown  Photo: AFP

Set against this, with US interest rates finally starting to rise and the possibility that modest inflation starts to be priced into markets as commodity prices trough, government bond returns may no longer be positive. At the same time, equities, having risen so dramatically largely as a result of increased valuations rather than powerful profit growth, are looking fully valued. Their future returns are likely to be lower, particularly in US dollar terms, if higher US interest rates make the dollar stronger.

The good news is that this, in a way, marks a transition from the crisis years. Over that period, large “macroeconomic” factors were the main drivers of financial markets: the fears of recession, a break-up of the eurozone, collapsing commodity prices and weakening emerging economies. These events, and the risks associated with them, were the key factors influencing financial markets.

Hopefully we are now moving into a phase where more specific fundamental drivers will determine returns. The prospects for investors may become less about the macro and more about the micro, and picking stocks within a market might become more rewarding than buying an index.

Peter Oppenheimer is chief global equity strategist at Goldman Sachs

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