Sunday, January 3, 2016

Making sure accountancy reforms add up


The recriminations after the financial crisis mostly targeted the big banks and those who allowed them to blow themselves up. The accountants, while never the protagonists in the banks’ near-destruction, received their share of the criticism for failing to act as the last line of defence against some bankers’ dangerous schemes. “At worst, they were cheerleaders for it,” according to the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards.

By the time Stephen Haddrill joined the Financial Reporting Council as chief executive in late 2009, the wheels were already in motion for major reforms of the accountancy industry. European politicians were calling for restrictions on auditors carrying out any other work for a client, in a bid to bust up what they saw as cosy relationships.

The last lot of sweeping changes, which will also require big companies to change their auditor every decade, will come into force next year. For the FRC, which has about 150 staff, this means a big extra workload as the sole point of contact in Britain for corporate reporting rules, replacing what Haddrill saw as the the “slightly fuzzy line” between myriad professional bodies.

Haddrill and his team have already prepared the ground by shaking up the FRC’s hierarchy and bringing in more experts to work on the growing number of audit inspections that will be needed.

  “Post financial crisis we needed to put together a more integrated structure,” said Haddrill, speaking at the FRC’s offices on London Wall, a few minutes' walk from the Bank of England. “The challenge has changed a bit. Now it’s about making sure it actually works, it’s about bedding it in on the ground.”

Haddrill, whose career took in numerous civil service posts before a stint at the Association of British Insurers, thinks company boardrooms are coming round to the idea that they should know more about who checks their books.

“Audit committees have really taken ownership of the hiring of the auditor. It was very much the CFO’s responsibility at one stage and there’s a potential conflict of interest there,” he said. The distinction is important because two-thirds of chief financial officers in the FTSE 350 have previously worked for one of the so-called Big Four accountancy firms: Deloitte, KPMG, EY and PwC.

“Investors have said they like audit reports, and are even giving out awards for auditors now through the Investment Association. People smile about that sort of thing, but it’s a big step from where we were. That has given more confidence to the audit committees that this is the sort of thing they should be paying attention to.”

City regulators are feeling the pressure to be tough enough across the financial sector. The Financial Conduct Authority was last week lambasted for its decision to drop a study on banking culture, with accusations that the watchdog had bowed to industry pressure.

For the FRC, its roles as standard-setter, audit inspector and the disciplinary panel for errant accountants mean treading carefully between scrutiny and co-operation with the biggest firms, which work with the accounting rules on a daily basis.

“We certainly have regular meetings with them and I can say the tone is constructive. We have the robust discussions that we need to have,” said Haddrill. “We’re not satisfied yet that the quality of audit is consistently strong enough. Last year 70pc were above the bar, but 30pc were below with matters of significance.

“I don’t think that’s good enough so we’ve set ourselves the goal of changing the 70pc to 90pc in the next three years. I’m very keen that we do it by raising the right big issues and not having a ‘we’re going to catch you out on little things’ mentality.”

He added that the increasingly engaged board members at big firms are taking audit inspections more seriously, and are now quizzing accountants about their FRC scores when they pitch for new contracts. Meanwhile, Tesco ended a 32-year relationship with PwC last year after unearthing problems with the way it booked commercial income. “It’s going with the grain of the market,” said Haddrill.

Tesco storeRetailers' accounts came under scrutiny after a black hole was uncovered at Tesco  Photo: Daniel Jones

The FRC will this year expand its inspection rounds from the 10 biggest accountancy firms to the top 50. While the inspectors carried out 126 unannounced checks last year, there are suggestions that the smarter firms have used their number-crunching nous to predict where the spotlight will fall.

Can the auditors predict when they will be audited? “Some firms have invested a bit… we have a risk model, we don’t just go round on a routine basis,” explained Haddrill. ”If you’ve done a careful analysis of the sort we pick, you can probably work out what the risk model is. And of course some of it is driven by events, so post-Tesco we did more retailers, a couple of years ago we did a lot of banks. But we don’t tell them in advance.

  “If we’re choosing the risky ones, if they guess in advance and put their best team on, that’s got to be in the public interest. I’m not just there to catch them out; I want to see them do good audits.”

In its guise as an enforcer, the FRC has been caught up in the furore around the implosion of HBOS, the banking group swallowed by Lloyds in a deal that led to its state bailout in 2009. A Bank of England report published in November portrayed incompetence inside the bank and shortcomings at the regulators and accountants.

Andrew Tyrie, the Conservative MP who chairs the Treaury Select Committee, recently said he was “flabbergasted” by the FRC’s decision not to investigate KPMG’s audit of the ill-fated bank ahead of the takeover, and called for a rethink of its decision.

Haddrill said the organisation has not decided how to react to Tyrie’s request. “He’s told us that he would like to hear evidence from us, so we look forward to that. The position at the minute is that we’re still going through the report with a fine-tooth comb and we will tell them what we know.”

For those who are investigated, the FRC has the power to impose stiff penalties. Last April the organisation imposed its largest ever fine of £14m on Deloitte over its failure to spot the impending doom of MG Rover, which collapsed in 2005. The fine was cut to £3m after an appeal that found the rules on whether accountants must consider the public interest in their work were "vague and unhelpful".

Under the forthcoming European rules, Haddrill wants to the see the FRC keep its flexible powers. “The European law currently has a smaller list of sanctions than we currently have. Like the requirement for a big retraining programme… [I] don’t want to lose that practical response.”

On top of all of its work on company accounts, the FRC has another string to its bow steering corporate governance and culture, another knotty issue that has been re-examined since the financial crisis.

“It’s easy to put stuff up on the wall; you can write it but you have to also drive it through the organisation,” said Haddrill, whose team is responsible for the Corporate Governance Code that was strengthened in 2014.

Succession planning is one big theme currently on the table at the FRC. As Haddrill puts it, “chief executives have to fall on their swords, well who’s next?"

“It’s a big issue for chairmen and it’s sometimes a bit hard to know where to start. It’s not an easy conversation to have with a chief executive… but I think it should be accepted that it’s normal.”

Haddill has himself been on the receiving end of this problem. “Sir Win [Bischoff, FRC chairman] has had a conversation with me, asking ‘what happens if you go under a bus?’. He’s making sure he’s got a plan in his mind.”

With neither man planning to retire soon, the FRC is set to spend 2016 getting used to its new responsibilities, working with firms, other regulators and a British civil service that is undergoing its own sweeping changes.

Haddrill, who spent over a decade at the Department of Trade and Industry, said he is “a little worried” about the scale of spending cuts in Whitehall, although the FRC itself is mostly funded by corporate levies.

The NAO released figures for civil service compensationThe National Audit Office says £600m was spent when civil servants lost their jobs  Photo: ALAMY

“When you get a big project like the implementation of the European directive, you do need people with quite a bit of experience. They’ve got a team that’s working reasonably well but further cuts, another such project, they might be a bit strained.

“I think it’s also very important that as the department’s resources shrink, the political priorities have got to shrink in parallel. I think when I’ve been there it hasn’t happened. Ministers understandably get a bit frustrated and say ‘you guys here don’t deserve the money, we’re going to cut you a bit more’. You get into a vicious circle.”

The watchdog will also spend plenty of time in contact with Europe, where the new accounting directive is co-ordinated. Haddrill does not anticipate drastic changes to British accounting rules if the UK votes to leave the EU in the forthcoming referendum, but noted the risk of British standards becoming less influential.

“We’re committed to providing thought leadership internationally and if we came out of Europe that might become more difficult," noting that the FRC imposed ten-year retendering for audit contracts before the EU strengthened the rules.

But he is willing to concede that company accounts are not likely to swing the outcome of the vote: “I suspect that when people go the ballot box it won’t be the audit standards that are high in their minds.”

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