Sunday, January 3, 2016

Odey flags up threat of UK house bubble in fears for global economy


Leading hedge fund manager Crispin Odey has warned that a series of threats to the global economy, including the potential bubble in the UK housing market, will make 2016 a difficult year for investors.

Mr Odey, one of the London hedge fund industry’s best-known names, cautioned that a “string of threats” ranging from a possible devaluation of China’s yuan to concerns about the US economy could damage returns.

He made the warning after profits at the hedge fund which bears his name fell by more than half last year.

The 22 partners at Odey Asset Management, the hedge fund he founded in 1991, shared a reported profit of £84.1m in the year to April 2015, according to accounts recently filed at Companies House.

That compares with a record sum of £174.2m for the prior year. Mr Odey took home £31.8m, down from £47.8m.

The lower payouts reflected a steep decline in the fees the partners received for the performance of the £13.7bn in investments under their management. In 2014 they received £143.5m as Odey funds reaped big rewards in the global recovery.

Has Europe including the UK only rediscovered the housing bubble route to economic growth that got them into trouble in 2007 and 2008?
Crispin Odey

The latest accounts, however, reveal that the surge in stock market volatility in late 2014, sparked by Russian currency instability, a flash crash in US bond markets, the Greek crisis and other factors, made investing trickier.

Mr Odey told The Daily Telegraph: “It was more difficult. China’s problems were starting to be felt globally but Europe was on the mend without being essentially healthy, and the US was strong but expensive.”

The fund manager, known for successfully short-selling banking shares in the financial crisis, added that tougher conditions were likely to persist in the current financial year and through 2016 amid a string of threats.

He said: “2015 ended with quite a lot of excitement still to be had.

"Will the US get rising interest rates and rising wages, the hoped-for environment for falling real interest rates?

“Will China find a way of escaping this slowdown or recession in construction and capital expenditure without being forced by high wage increases to seriously devalue the renminbi?

"And has Europe, including the UK, only rediscovered the housing bubble route to economic growth that got them into trouble in 2007 and 2008?

“Profits are tumbling, not rising, in most countries. Our firm cannot be immune.”

This time last year, Mr Odey issued a dire prediction, arguing that global markets were in the early stages of a major downturn that would devastate equities. He claimed there was as strong an opportunity for bearish investors as in the financial crisis.

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