Monday, December 29, 2014

The form of payment when shopping online.

When visiting a number of shopping sites, consumers in Vietnam can make payments in various forms.
The payment method is being applied include cash on delivery, bank transfer, send money through the mail or via international money transfer systems, online payments.

- Online payment: Some websites in Vietnam had a form of payment online help for the purchase and payment simple and convenient.

- Payment by credit card or debit international customer owns the cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB can pay online at more than 60 sites connected with the payment gateway OnePAY.

- Payment by electronic wallet: Property for electronic Mobivi, Payoo, VnMart, customers can pay online on a website electronics accepted for this.

- Pay cash on delivery: This is still the main form of payment when purchasing through the web page for ensuring the safety, customers receive goods ordered are strictly new pay.

- Bank transfer: ATM or through direct transactions at the bank, the account transfer to the account of the seller some money before receiving the goods.

This method should only be done when the buyer can trust in the seller, usually when two parties are patrons on the shopping website or seller is a reputable partner. This method is useful in cases where buyers and sellers stay away from each other, can not directly pay in cash, but there are certain risks to the buyer, the seller does not ship or deliver inferior quality than the sale.

- Sending money through the mail or international money transfer systems: In case the buyer or seller in the distance, did not have a bank account, you can use this way. But will cost a fee to transfer money; depending on each bank's services, fees may be several tens of thousand.

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