Monday, November 23, 2015

A Man Is Donating His Kidney To A Stranger Thanks To A Craigslist Error



Some people troll Craigslist for cheap used furniture. Others stumble upon a desperate plea for a kidney -- and respond with a random act of kindness. 

Glenn Calderbank was browsing the construction section of the website looking for supplies when he came across a stranger's post. 

"I was looking on Craigslist and I just happened to come across an ad that struck my eye,” Calderbank told CBS 2. “Somebody was asking for a kidney for their wife.”

The post was from another New Jersey man seeking an organ on behalf of his wife, Nina Saria. Last year, Saria was shocked to discover she has kidney failure due to an autoimmune disorder. Friends and relatives offered to be the 32-year-old's donor, but either got scared or backed out.   

"My husband came up with the idea to put an ad on Craig's List," she told "I got a lot of prayers, but no one to donate. I wanted to give up."

Her husband accidentally posted the ad in the site's construction section.

Calderbank saw this as a sign -- his wife, Jessica, died of kidney failure in 2011. The 49-year-0ld wasn't a match for his partner of 10 years, so he put an ad in a newspaper hoping to find a donor. Jessica eventually received a kidney and a pancreas from a cadaver, but her body rejected the transplant. 

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“I was meant to see that [ad],” Calderbank told CBS, “I believe that Jessica somehow -- or karma -- whatever it is. Put that in the wrong spot because that’s the only place I go on the computer anyways.”

He reached out to the family, who were skeptical at first. 

"He wanted to meet at my place and I was very nervous. I have a child at my house and I told my husband to leave it alone," Saria told the Daily News.

The two eventually met, and Calderbank shared his story with Saria. He sensed that fate was in their favor, and that he would be the perfect donor match. Sure enough, he was right. 

The pair is scheduled for surgery on Dec. 1. 

"I want to save this woman's life," Calderbank told, "Because, in this rare instance, I'm the only one who can."

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