Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Google Would Like You To Buy Products Using Voice Search

Alexander Supertramp /

Alexander Supertramp /

At SMX West yesterday, Behshad Behzadi, Principal Engineer at Google Zurich said Google is working on conversational search. Conversational search would allow users to buy or locate products by just talking to your device.

The examples given by Behshad Behzadi includes being able to find a product you are looking at for cheaper or finding nearby stores. But what about also making purchases for products directly from voice search, such as “Okay Google, find me a 1TB solid state external hard drive.” Google then shows you the results and you say, “purchase the one from BestBuy.” Then the next thing you know is that you have a receipt from BestBuy with your delivery information.

Behzadi said Google is “working on conversational shopping.” Behzadi is not part of the ads team, but as one would imagine, Google Product Listings data structure would fit well for conversational shopping.

How far away do you think we are until we are able to buy products from Google using voice search? If I had to guess, a year or so out.

(Some images used under license from

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