Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Will Make You Want To Delete Your Facebook


If you're logged into your Facebook, take a deep breath and open a new tab before clicking this:

As if the Trump hysteria couldn't get any worse, there's now a way to zero in on all your friends (you know, the ones from high school that you only see when you're in your hometown and get dragged against your will to the local bar?) who have "liked" Donald J. Trump on Facebook.

When you go to, it redirects you to your own Facebook's search page, where your search bar will look like this:

Below the bar, you'll be able to see which of your "friends" are all up in Trump's Facebook grill.

Of course, the whole concept of searching for friends who "like" certain things isn't new. You can look for a ton of different interests in that search bar, including things like "friends who like CrossFit" or "friends who like pizza." (Those two cross paths quite a bit in my own friend search ... but, you know, no judgment!)

It should also be noted that "liking" a page on Facebook doesn't necessarily mean your friend really likes the GOP contender. It just means your friend wants to know what he's up to.

It's like the old adage about not being able to look away from a trainwreck. Except this trainwreck is a racist real estate mogul who also happens to be gunning for the position of leader of the free world.

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