Friday, January 15, 2016

The market mayhem isn't all doom and gloom


This comes just a few days after analysts at the Royal Bank of Scotland said things were going to get a whole lot worse and that investors should “sell everything”. The following day, Albert Edwards, Société Générale’s in-house Private “we’re all doomed” Frazer, foretold that we’re heading for a 2008-style financial crash in which US stocks could lose 75pc of their value.

So, if you’re worried, you’re not alone. The only question is which concern is most disquieting: emerging market debts, rising interest rates, a slowdown in demand or deflation?

  Photo: Getty

But there are reasons to cling on to some (very cautious) optimism – even if the silver linings might at times look somewhat threadbare.

First up is the fact that the markets are not very reliable economic indicators. On Friday, Pantheon Economics put out an interesting chart showing that the FTSE 100 is about as bad at forecasting recessions as most economists – having predicted two of the past seven. In particular, big falls in 1987 and 2001 actually coincided with robust economic growth. At the moment the UK economic data could best be described as mixed. Recent manufacturing and construction figures certainly give some cause for concern. But the picture is nowhere near as apocalyptic as that being painted by equity prices.

There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, it is always worth remembering that equity prices represent investor expectations of future earnings. And there’s a long way ’twixt expectation and reality.

Secondly, (and I appreciate that I have banged on a bit about this recently) many of the companies in the FTSE 100 are British in brass nameplate only, deriving the majority of their revenues from elsewhere in the world.

Thirdly, through a number of historical quirks, the FTSE 100 is hugely skewed towards mining companies and oil producers. And these are, of course, the companies suffering the most at the moment as the prices of a whole host of basic materials chase each other ever downwards.

Falling prices are dreadful for producers but they are also good for consumers. Cheaper commodities provide similar economic benefits to a tax cut. There will, it’s true, come a point at which the balance tips. If commodity prices stay low for a long time then it could easily make some very unstable parts of the world even more unstable – which is in nobody’s interest.

But not so long ago lots of pointy heads were getting frightfully worried that the exponential growth of the global population and diminishing resources meant the world would soon run out of all the stuff that we would need to flourish and, indeed, survive. Now all the talk is of gluts and oversupply. What this suggests more than anything else is that humanity is getting savvier at both finding and using resources. That has to be a positive.

None of this is much consolation to investors, who are hearing of billions of pounds being wiped off the value of shares and are worried about their pensions, ISAs and other savings. Except, of course, that those loses will only be crystallised if investors actually sell up.

Short-term volatility in the markets is a big concern for those who need to get their hands on their cash soon. But what the markets did yesterday or will do tomorrow (or next week, or next month, or next year) will have little bearing on investments laid down to pay for a pension in 10, 20 or 30 years’ time.

Those saving for the long term would be wise to strap themselves to the mast and block their ears to the doom-mongers.

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